
We all know that stress is bad but do you know how it can affect your body? Stress can affect various processes in the body like hormone production, the menstrual cycle, and fertility in women and men as well as digestion and immune function. When...

When one considers using bioidentical hormones there are multiple factors to consider. For many women, the impetus is the varying degree of vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats) that can make one’s life miserable. For others, the impetus is “brain fog” which consists of problems...

Low mood and feelings of depression can be common symptoms of both perimenopause and menopause. Depression and the onset of menopause share many of the same symptoms including fatigue, irritability, anxiety and difficulty concentrating. Due to this, many women can be misdiagnosed with depression and...

Many patients are curious about the subcutaneously implanted pellet as a method of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and how it compares to injectable hormones. Pellets are “new” to most patients, however, they have been used clinically in the United States since the 1940’s. While there...